Please give Fishs Eddy your money, they so totally deserve it.
For 25 years, Fishs Eddy has sold vintage dishware from diners, roadhouses, airlines, and their own unique new designs. About two years ago, their upper west side location closed and, as far as I can tell, they only have one location left (B’way + 19th).
I make a habit of trawling their website every few months, but seeing so many items on sale today makes me a little antsy.

Get your wallets at the ready and head on over.
As a direct follow on to Sunday’s post, NYTimes has an article up on the rise (and inevitable skyrocketing prices for) Victorian and Edwardian junk. In particular they chronicle the impeccable taste of Hollister and Porter Hovey, a pair of sisters with an exquisite collection of taxidermy, baubles, and club memorabilia.
It makes me happy for lovely things to get some press, but it’s like the stock market: the second there’s coverage on a trend, the trend is over.
Check out their stuff, it’s fantastic.
(Read: I’m nine kinds of jealous.)
This is totally going on my desk.