John Player & Sons cigarettes have had the most stunning packaging in the tobacco industry for decades, and it looks like their cigarette cards were just as lovely.
This set, Cycling: a Series of 50, from 1939 chronicles the history of cycling–as it was. It’s a stunning account of fashion and human ingenuity served up by the classiest pack of cigarettes on the market (or are they no longer on the market?).

Oh, Stapler of the Week, where do you find all your pretty toys?

You have to respect someone with such a singular focus. There are so many beautiful things in this world, it’s hard to devote yourself to just one.
Dezeen points out this incredible calendar from Spanish designer Oscar Diaz. It uses the capillary action of ink spreading across paper to slowly reveal the date.
I know that this can’t possibly work (without the ink drying out and/or staining the hell out of your walls), but it’s a lovely idea.

I’ve been slow to warm to twitter, and I’m not sure I’ve yet thawed, but reading William Gibson’s stream led me to this collection of typewriter ribbon tins from Uppercase Magazine.
Is that enough links for one sentence?

This post reminds me of my favorite Playmobil set, 5504. A cop harasses a loaded hobo on a bench. It just seems to beg for some Benny Hill stop-motion animation—all it lacks are girls in petticoats.

These unblemished treasures came from a warehouse full of deadstock toys. I like the boxes, but take the jump for a look at the toys.

[Thanks to Mike at Citywide]
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